
5/7更新 這一段影片就是 David Slade 跟Megan Fox 的報導囉!

20090504-kellan lutz-Nylon Magazine party.jpg     照片裡是和Kellan Lutz 合演"亂愛高校生90210" 的Ryan Eggold

 Kellan Lutz 參加5/4 Nylon Magazine party 時被訪問到..


他說他會去義大利and crash in Rob's room!? Emmett 是啥意思??...不是去拍攝只是要去義大利玩的?!睡在Rob's 房間...[兩人擠一間嗎?!]



對了...還有Eclipse 蝕導演 David Slade David Slade in Talks to Direct Eclipse-01.jpg 失言風波!....

(那是一個很好笑的事件! )他去年11月接受廣播節目訪問!他談到了對Twilight的感受及評論...

他說了:“Just Shoot Me”


…and so yesterday we were trying to find a movie to see and we’d seen all the good ones, you know, and there was nothing really coming out this weekend that we really fancied at all and having directed a vampire film and really gone for something completely different to the kind of romantic, you know, repressed hormone teen vampire movie we really weren’t interested in seeing Twilight but a lot of people said lets go so I wrote -

“Twilight drunk? No, not even drunk. Twilight on acid? No, not even on acid? Twilight at gun point? Just shoot me.”

   [That’s like] a poem in a way [...] at this point excites me even though people think I’m a really violent and unpleasant person I actually do have this romantic violent side to me. Maybe I should have seen Twilight.


5/4 他馬上道歉了!:寫了誠心誠意的道歉信給

Dear Laura and Lori

I would be grateful if you could distribute this statement to the fans of Twilight:I would like to address some statements that I made regarding Twilight.

When I made these comments, I had neither seen the film nor read the books. I was promoting a comedy short film that I had made for Xbox and every pop culture subject was seen as a possible comedy target. I was being silly and none of the statements were from the heart.

Of course, I have since seen the movie and read the books and was quickly consumed with the rich storytelling and the beautifully honest characters that Stephenie Meyer created.

I would like to reassure everyone involved that I am invested in making the best film that I am humanly capable of, and that I am acutely aware of the power of the original books we serve.

Please be rest assured this statement is absolutely from the heart.

yours sincerely




也正是因為他即將執導 Eclipse 蝕,人家才會把那段錄音拿出來!(5/3錄音才出現的)



Kellan Lutz 說沒有人在約會...他翻雜誌時才發現自己有新的女朋友!...Kellan

說他很喜歡 Michael ...Michael很強壯!....?!

kristen 跟 Michael Arangano 之間的感情已經兩年了!(不是四年了嗎?)很堅定...之間也很穩定

Rob 跟 Nikki ............ 用膝蓋想也知道他要回答啥!聽聽就算了!




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