
 new moon-Victoria(fanmade) 

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momo不會再提為何Summit 要把Rachelle 換掉了!這是momo最後一次提這一件事了!

因為網路上好多消息跟揣測文章!都是讓momo對Summit 電影公司失望!


第一想藉此告訴演員們!我們Summit 要換角就換角!不怕違約!就算會違約我們都有方法看起來不像!

第二也順便告訴Robsten !別把他們的警告不當一回事!

第三影迷們Summit 給你們什麼就是什麼!沒有別的選擇!

momo很喜歡我們原來的Victoria 心情真的很糟!這還是momo第一次喜歡反派的女演員!

Rachelle 大大小小的宣傳活動都有參加之外!她對Fans 的親切更是有目共睹!


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這是Rachelle 的聲明:

來源:Access Hollywood

Summit Entertainment announced the replacement of “Twilight Saga” star Rachelle Lefevre in the series’ third film, “Eclipse,” on Tuesday night Summit Entertainment 在(7/28 )星期二晚上宣佈替換了Rachelle Lefevre 在Twilight Saga 系列的第三部續集"蝕Eclipse"中

On Tuesday, Summit announced that Bryce Dallas Howard would be taking on the role in “Eclipse,” due in May 2010.
在星期二Summit 宣佈了 Bryce Dallas Howard 將可能担任"蝕Eclipse "裡合適的角色在2010年5月。


I was stunned by Summit’s decision to recast the role of Victoria for Eclipse
我很震驚Summit 決定在蝕Eclipse中替換了維多利亞角色!  (看來她自己以為還有喬的空間怎知..被Summit殺個措手不及)

Rachelle said in a statement to Access Hollywood.
Rachelle 對Access Hollywood說的聲明

“I was fully committed to the ‘Twilight’ saga, and to the portrayal of Victoria
我完全忠誠的在Twilight’ saga 飾演 Victoria 維多利亞

 Rachelle continued, explaining the turn of events that led to the casting change.
Rachelle 繼續解釋了導致換角的來龍去脈

“I turned down several other film opportunities and, in accordance with my contractual rights, accepted only roles that would involve very short shooting schedules.

My commitment to ‘Barney’s Version’ is only ten days.
我對於Barney’s Version (新片) 的承諾僅只有十天

Summit picked up my option for ‘Eclipse.’ Although the production schedule for ‘Eclipse’ is over three months long,
Summit 駁回我對蝕Eclipse的選擇權 ,儘管蝕Eclipse電影攝製計劃表長達三個月之久

Summit said they had a conflict during those ten days and would not accommodate me.
Summit說他們在那十天的整個期間中有抵觸衝突 ,並且不會通融我。

Given the length of filming for ‘Eclipse,’ never did I fathom I would lose the role over a 10 day overlap.
交付拍攝蝕Eclipse過程中, 我從未想過 ,我會因為這10天的部分重疊而失去了角色!

I was happy with my contract with Summit and was fully prepared to continue to honor it. Summit chose simply to recast the part.”
我很開心跟Summit 簽約也充分的準備好繼續實踐合約, Summit 選擇了簡單部分換角

The star concluded her statement with a regretful tone.
Rachelle 結束了她遺憾語氣的聲明
(或許是怕繼續說下去會得罪Summit 所以改換語氣了吧!是啊!以後路還很長...)

"I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the ‘Twilight’ audience.
我非常地難過 ,我不能對Twilight 觀眾完整飾演完" Victoria 維多利亞"

 This is a story, a theatrical journey and a character that I truly love and about which I am very passionate.
這一個故事,一次戲劇旅程,和一個我真的非常喜愛的角色和 關於我非常性情暴躁的那些

I will be forever grateful to the fan support and loyalty I’ve received since being cast for this role

 and I am hurt deeply by Summit’s surprising decision to move on without me. I wish the cast and crew of ‘Eclipse’ only the very best.


看完了Rachelle 的聲明只覺得她也很無奈!

她也覺得回天乏術了!才會這麼用直接情緒來說話!這樣很可能會使Summit 全面封殺她!

有報導說Summit 想要一舉兩得!


二還是momo想的那一件事要Bryce Dallas Howard 的老爸朗霍華 Ron Howard到Summit 來!(畢竟Summit真的沒大戲上檔了!除了原子小金剛跟末日預言外!沒有大製作的電影啦!!)

雖然網路上已經發起BringBackRachelle活動簽署希望Summit不要將Rachelle 換掉!

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[發信給Summit 簽署活動一 ]  [ 簽署活動二 ] [Twitter 簽署活動三 ]

momo認為這麼霸道的電影公司應該不會聽Fans ...如果他們還有良知的話!就把Rachelle留下來吧!

還有其他的角色可以給Bryce Dallas Howard

(這麼想盡方法要入Twilight 的大門的話叫妳老爸導第四集!艾琳娜Irina這角色應該很適合啦!...不知道情況的女人)


Rachelle Lefevre 才是momo心中唯一的"Victoria 維多利亞"

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這是Ashley Greene 跟Rachelle Lefevre 2008 年的雜誌照!

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這麼美的Rachelle 不能使你們心軟嗎?!

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還有一些關於Rachelle Lefevre 的影片!

Rachelle Lefevre Travelling in a Car-------------------Summit 讓Rachelle現在是...


Rachelle Lefevre - in Charmed........Summit 小心女人的復仇


Rachelle Lefevr...........


 Summit 對影迷好一點好嗎!尊重一下嘛!..........................








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